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We use cookies and other similar technologies (“cookies”) on our Website. Cookies are small text files placed on your device to collect and remember useful information, deliver relevant content, ensure the functionality of our Website and provide us information about the use thereof.

​We use on our Website e.g. cookies related to authentication and showing guidance and tips.

​Retention of cookies

​Cookies remain on your device until they are expired or you delete them. The storage time for cookies on your device is divided into following two categories.

​Session cookies

​Session cookies are used to remember relevant settings of your browsing session. They are set per session, meaning that they last until you close your browser. Such cookies are not stored on the hard drive of your device.

​Persistent cookies

​Persistent cookies are typically used for gaining insight on how you use our Website. Persistent cookies are stored on your hard drive in between browser sessions until you delete them or they reach their expiry date.

Management of cookies

​You can always disable cookies or clear your cookie history for all visited websites from your browser settings. You can usually find the navigation settings relating to cookies in the ”Options”, ”Tools” or ”Preferences” menus of the browser you use to access our Website.

​Accepting cookies will enable you to get the best from our Website. Some aspects of Website site may not work on your device, and you may not be able to access all areas thereof without cookies.

This notice has been last updated on May 16, 2023.